Saturday, December 11, 2010


My Christian Ministries class is one of my favorite classes. It brings to light concepts and views that I had never thought of. It constantly reminds me about different interpretations of the Bible and that nobody sees the Bible the same as the next guy. For example, in class today, a group gave a presentation on homosexuality. Their interpretation of the Bible on this touchy subject, is that being gay is not a sin and that we should encourage those of the homosexual orientation to step up as authoritative figures in today's society. I don't remember my blood pressure ever being so high when I heard this. I don't really know why, because really, I don't care if someone is gay or not. Whatever floats their boat. But I knew that what they were saying was definitely wrong and it bugged me that they had the audacity to suggest that. Just thinking about it makes me ...whatever. When they were done with their presentation, there was time for open discussion. Not really knowing how I should go about this whole sitiation, I said what came off the top of my head. I reminded the presentors that God called us to "Be fruitful and Multiply", and I said flatly that it's kinda hard to do that when you're gay. Feeling a little better about things, because they didn't argue with that statement, I continued on with the story of Lot and the angels that visited him in Sodom. A few men in the town came to Lot's door telling Lot to let the angels go outside so they can have sex with them. Lot instead offers his two virgin daughters. And eventually God destroyed the city, even though it wasn't just because of homosexual acts. Right when I said that, I got shot down by a guy in the class saying "Oh please, dear God, don't bring up that scenario. That's the biggest bunch of bull I've heard all day." That left me confused. What did I say wrong? I know it was in the old testament, and that the old testament doesn't have to be taken so literally anymore, but I still don't know how to take that comment. So I just shut up.
By the way, did you know they found chariot wheels in the Red Sea?

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

2 papers & 3 loads of laundry later...

I'm tired. I stayed up a little later than I had planned. I wrote a paper on fossils and did three loads of laundry. I don't understand why our biology topic was on fossils, but it was. A whole eight pages of it. Ask me almost anything about fossils and I will tell you. It may not be the right answer, but I'll tell you something anyways. There was recently a fossil discovered of a snake with hind legs. In the bible, God cursed the serpent after he deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden, and said he would from then on travel on his belly. So, assuming then that the serpent lost his legs, it's true according to the fossil. I'm also curious as to what creature God is describing in Job 40-41. Any takers?
Off to my biology test.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Dear Santa,

Dear Santa,

I would greatly appreciate it if you brought Christmas a little earlier this year. I have a 7 page paper due tomorrow for my biology class that needs to be finished and edited and finished again. The topic is famous fossil finds and how it can associated with the bible. I also have a rough draft for a research paper due tonight that I should probably...start. Oh yeah, and I have a biology test tomorrow morning regarding anatomy. . . as well as my athletic training practical on Thursday at 2:45. I have to be able to perform CPR or wrap someone up or make a sling or help a choking person on que. I'm a little nervous for that one actually. Oh and Santa, I have this very large pile of laundry that I don't see myself getting anywhere near to today, so if you could just send a little elf over to help me with it I will be eternally grateful. Oh wait, tomorrow is Wednesdy right? I also have a psych quiz at 4:20. . . it's gonna be a long night. sigh.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


So I finished "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo," and it was pretty good, although mildly corny at the end. I don't know if I should be inspired by Salander's self-confidence and computer-hacking talents or disgusted by the fact that she slept with a man twice her age. Maybe I'll just feel both inspired and disgusted until I find a better book. I think I'll go with Ted Dekker next time, he is always promising with exorcisms and mind controlled video games.
The Christmas spirit is definitely in full bloom here at Azusa Pacific University, complete with wreaths bigger than I am on both campuses. There was the "Christmas Chaos" party on Thursday night with a mechanical bull, a giant inflatable slide, a dunk tank (specifically for the RA's), "Create a Flake", a live nativity scene (with a dog dressed as a sheep), and a kissing booth. However, during all these fun festivities taking place on East Campus, I was taking my athletic training final on West Campus. But I'm not bitter.
And now I'm off to a dinner date ;)

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Pasadena is stinkin' gorgeous. The weather is shiny and sparkly and warm. The palm trees rock my world. This pretty little house is definitely creaming my twinkie and the little sour patch straws are o' plenty. The pool is super duper warm too, which is fine with me. Swam a little/lot with mom today. And has anyone read "'the girl with the dragon tattoo?" It's gettin good.

Monday, August 30, 2010


Tomorrow is my last day in Creswell for the next 3 months. Movin to Cali. Does that make me a California girl? Guess we will find out =] I move in on Friday and Classes start on Wednesday (I think). Can't wait to start my biology and psycholoy classes. Still have a bit of packing to do. Did most of it today. Hopefully I don't forget anything?!?! I think I'm mostly set though. Dad fixed my bike and I have an awesome new bike rack for my bar and a cute little basket and some lights for my bike. My bike is pretty basically set for a while =] I got the fridge...I got the coffee tmaker...I got the dishes...I think it's all there. I don't know how we are going to fit in my car though. But I heard it through the grapevine that with God all things are possible. Ready go.

Monday, July 26, 2010

a ha ha. every day something new comes up that makes college so much more real to me. i don't even know why im so excited about it, because it happens to a lot of people. i watched the new movie inception last week, and it's the best one i've seen in a while. they did a great job getting everything tied together, and it all made sense. it was about shared dreaming. what if that was real??? this world would be a crazy place.