Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
A Day in the snow...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
The movie...
"When what's left of you gets around to what's left to be gotten, whats left to be gotten won't be worth getting, whatever it is you've got left". ~Phil Davis
Ya...I'm confused :) But then again what's new?
White Christmas

Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Lacking the courage, smiling through it
Always finds life confusing, craves simplicity
I have a good friend who marches to the beat of her own drum and I love that...this is one of my favorites :)
Be pessimistic, lazy and boring....check
(She may or may not be all these things :) )
And the normal teen:
Stupid overly trusting teen in love :)
And others:
Still waiting for you to change
Messed up family, no father figure
Day by day to the fullest
That's life...just live with it
In our class there is a girl who is one of those people where you always wonder what's going on inside her head...well here's a glimpse of it:
bizzarly sanguin outsider afflicted with wonderlust
...couldn't agree more!
And one of my best guy friends who is very very athletic!!:
Run high, jump fast, rock off ...................................... haha
And mine:
Broken, amputated, sewn together again, adapted
What's yours?
Sunday, December 7, 2008
There is no such thing as peaceful stillness except
where reason has willed it to rest. Night does not
remove our worries; it brings them to the surface.
All it gives us is a change of anxieties, for even when
people are asleep they have dreams as troubled as their days.
The only serenity is the one which represents the free
development of a sound mind.
Lately I've been having 2 dreams repeatedly and I keep waking up thinking they're so real. I wake up sweating and sometimes in tears because they were so intense. And they don't go away. So I am agreeing with Seneca, this is exactly how I feel. :)
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Now, the best part of this blog. We had a tournament in South Umpqua this weekend. We won and brought home the trophy. Yes, we are the champions of the South Umpqua tournament! It's a good feeling. It was so intense and so insane at the same time. I enjoyed every second of it. Probably because I played every second, but also because EVERYBODY on the team was playing with passion and going all out. It was a blast. We didn't have 2 of our right sides, Briana Wipplinger and Ashley Kulm. Briana is out for a couple weeks due to a sprained ankle and Ashleys grandpa just passed away, so she was at the funeral. That left us with a main setter and no right side. Our coach, lately has been pushing me to play more and more right side, so I played LOTS of right side. It was kind of fun. I like taking the second ball sometimes and hitting from the right side you get lots more kills because people don't get set back that often and so the blockers aren't expecting it. Playing middle is my true calling, though. I like it very much. :) Well, it's definitely time for me to be getting to bed. Tomorrow's practice will be tough and I need rest. I also have a headache right now. So I'm gonna go pop some pills and hop into bed. I'll let you know how next weeks games go...Until then.
Friday, September 12, 2008
My oh so interesting life in a nutshell....
School is going good for the most part as well. It's definitely more difficult than last year. But I guess that comes with the package of being older :) My classes are:
1. Choir
2. Geometry
3. Honors English
4. U.S. History
5. Biology 2
6. Spanish 2
7. Library Aid
First and seventh periods are obviously my easiest. Which is nice, because for volleyball and stuff I'm gonna have to leave early to go to away games and I don't do anything in 7th period. So...that's about it. I have nothing else to say that will be of any interest to my many interested readers. Until.....whenever.
JR out
Thursday, August 21, 2008
The luau we had here last weekend was a blast. We danced and ate and chilled out on the tennis court. It was pretty interesting. I loved every minute of it. :) It also helped that one of the hawaiian dancers complimented me on my dancing skills. It felt good.
Well...I have nothing else to say. If you want to know anything else...feel free to ask. But no promises on honest answers.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
ooga booga
I don't know what exactly this's cute?
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Saturday, July 19, 2008
yay me
Friday, July 11, 2008
The "Quick Update"
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
American Gladiators
Her real name is Gina Joy Carano. She is 5'8", 140 pounds. Her specialty is Muay Thai Boxing. Her dad played quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys. And she's in the coming up movie "Blood and Bone".
This is Phoenix. She's pretty insane. Her real name is Jennifer Widerstorm. She's 5'6", 155 pounds. She set the record for Hammerthrow at her high school.
Meet Helga...she isn't one of my favorites...but she's pretty.....huge. She's 6 feet tall. And huge!
My all time favorite (Hurricane), I could not find a picture of. He's one of the newest Gladiators. He's a former Olympic Javeline thrower. And really hot. :)
Monday, June 30, 2008
A Day at the Beach...
Here we are jumping in and there we are under the water...
The boys. Jared (right), Chevy, and Andy (Left). Andy is practically glowing in this picture, he's so white. It was a terrible trip home for him because he decided to go a little farther than all the rest of the boys in the ocean and a huge wave just came and ate him. So, then he decided to pretty much swim for the next hour. Poor guy.
Anyways, the day was pretty much awesome. On the way home, the sun was so bright and beautiful I wanted to take a picture of it, but I was in a moving vehicle and apparently it's pretty difficult to take pictures whilst you are moving. So I was dissapointed. OH! And we also saw a baby skunk on the way home. It was so tiny. It would have fit in the palm of my hand. It was adorable. But I didn't get close enough for it to spray me... :)