Monday, April 14, 2008

Oh Goodness....!

Wow, it's been a while since I have blogged. I guess I kinda forgot. Much has happened since I last wrote. I went to Disneyland, I saw nana, I have the Pleasant Hill Jazz Festival coming up this Friday, which I am highly nervous about. Mr. Stranjord just told me today that if we go to finals I am to play the piano on a song that I have never seen before today. That just makes things worse doesn't it? I have the Jazz Cafe coming up this Thursday. I have 3 more weeks until my piano recital and I am planning on getting my lisence next month. I have turned in a job application and I picked another one up and I am in the process of picking up hopefully 3 more. Open gym for volleyball starts this Wednesday and I have never been so excited about playing volleyball before. I haven't played in over 4 months. I am honestly nervous and I'm never nervous about playing volleyball. I just haven't played in such a long time that I am convinced I'm going to make a complete fool out of myself. I am way out of shape and haven't touched up on my vball skills in a bit. Mom and I just went on a bike ride this weekend (twice actually) and we rode 13 miles. My bum is still in much pain from the uncomfortable seat. So are my legs. Not from the seat...from pedaling 13 stinkin' miles. Well, until Next Time. Don't worry, I shall put more pictures up soon. :)


Jeanea said...

you a busy lady! I know you can handle it though...don't worry. how was Nana?

Jonathan said...

Pics would be sweet! How are you?