Monday, August 30, 2010


Tomorrow is my last day in Creswell for the next 3 months. Movin to Cali. Does that make me a California girl? Guess we will find out =] I move in on Friday and Classes start on Wednesday (I think). Can't wait to start my biology and psycholoy classes. Still have a bit of packing to do. Did most of it today. Hopefully I don't forget anything?!?! I think I'm mostly set though. Dad fixed my bike and I have an awesome new bike rack for my bar and a cute little basket and some lights for my bike. My bike is pretty basically set for a while =] I got the fridge...I got the coffee tmaker...I got the dishes...I think it's all there. I don't know how we are going to fit in my car though. But I heard it through the grapevine that with God all things are possible. Ready go.