Friday, September 12, 2008

My oh so interesting life in a nutshell....

So, volleyball has been consuming my life lately and I'm loving every minute of it. Our varisty team is now 2-0. Our big game is on Tuesday against Santiam Christian. They are definitely our biggest competition. It should be pretty exciting. So, all of you readers out there! Come and watch...ok, there's one more fan in the crowd... :) Our first home game was last night and it was way fun. Chandler Gabrio and Chelsie Joyce...our top two hitters, got 12 kills each. That's pretty good. And our setter, Jamie McMahon got 25 assists. She's amazing. :)
School is going good for the most part as well. It's definitely more difficult than last year. But I guess that comes with the package of being older :) My classes are:
1. Choir
2. Geometry
3. Honors English
4. U.S. History
5. Biology 2
6. Spanish 2
7. Library Aid
First and seventh periods are obviously my easiest. Which is nice, because for volleyball and stuff I'm gonna have to leave early to go to away games and I don't do anything in 7th period. So...that's about it. I have nothing else to say that will be of any interest to my many interested readers. Until.....whenever.
JR out


Jeanea said...

I'm glad you are enjoying volleyball this year...I wish I could watch you cream Santiam Christian, but alas, I am stuck in the worthless state of you have any games my birthday weekend? I'm trying to figure out if I can make it down...if I can, it would be cool to watch you play. Anyway, I can think of nothing intelligent to say...I'm up way too late. But I was reading this book and it was just too good to put down and so I ended up finishing it, only it was a super scary ending, so now I don't want to turn off the light and go to bed. So instead, I'm writing you the world's longest blog comment...but I'll be brave. But if I'm found cold in my bed in the morning, call Steven James.

crystalkupper said...

I read your blogs, and I would be there if I could. :-) And your nephew STINKS RIGHT NOW!!! Please come change him!

dale said...

I'm excited too. Do your best, play your hardest and it will be a blast.


Candi said...

I'll be there cheering on the team! Go Bulldogs! Play with passion and you'll be so much fun to watch. Good luck James.