Monday, August 30, 2010


Tomorrow is my last day in Creswell for the next 3 months. Movin to Cali. Does that make me a California girl? Guess we will find out =] I move in on Friday and Classes start on Wednesday (I think). Can't wait to start my biology and psycholoy classes. Still have a bit of packing to do. Did most of it today. Hopefully I don't forget anything?!?! I think I'm mostly set though. Dad fixed my bike and I have an awesome new bike rack for my bar and a cute little basket and some lights for my bike. My bike is pretty basically set for a while =] I got the fridge...I got the coffee tmaker...I got the dishes...I think it's all there. I don't know how we are going to fit in my car though. But I heard it through the grapevine that with God all things are possible. Ready go.


February Jill said...

I'm pretty sure your blog will still work in California, unless you melt your popsicle on your laptop...attempted California girls reference... Anyway.

Hope you have so much fun! 18 is a pretty great age to be.

Say hi to California for me.
Love, Jill

Glory Laine said...

Oh man this post made me want to sign up for classes at APU with you! SO (a thousand times) excited for you and what adventures, friendships, fresh starts, knowledge, self discovery, love?, and a new understanding of Christ all await. Now knock em dead!