Saturday, December 4, 2010


So I finished "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo," and it was pretty good, although mildly corny at the end. I don't know if I should be inspired by Salander's self-confidence and computer-hacking talents or disgusted by the fact that she slept with a man twice her age. Maybe I'll just feel both inspired and disgusted until I find a better book. I think I'll go with Ted Dekker next time, he is always promising with exorcisms and mind controlled video games.
The Christmas spirit is definitely in full bloom here at Azusa Pacific University, complete with wreaths bigger than I am on both campuses. There was the "Christmas Chaos" party on Thursday night with a mechanical bull, a giant inflatable slide, a dunk tank (specifically for the RA's), "Create a Flake", a live nativity scene (with a dog dressed as a sheep), and a kissing booth. However, during all these fun festivities taking place on East Campus, I was taking my athletic training final on West Campus. But I'm not bitter.
And now I'm off to a dinner date ;)


dale said...

Who was the hot date?

James said...

the hot date was my friend katie herndon =] and i'm glad you're not bitter Crystal. stay golden.