Friday, July 11, 2008

The "Quick Update"

Well, this week has been very interesting, what with Shelbea and Crystal and my friends gone and all. Jeanea, Crystal and Owen and Joey left on Sunday afternoon. So did Shelbea. My best friend Briana left for Arizona on Monday and Katie Annett, another good friend left on Sunday. Which left me practically all by my lonesome this entire week. But, miraculously I got through it! I worked on Monday and I had a volleyball camp to go to. I also had the camp on Tuesday, but I was pretty bored after that. So I had Kirstin come over and we rented "The Eye". It was basically the lamest movie on the face of the planet. I didn't get it at all. But, whatever. Wednesday I worked from 7 to 2. It was fun. I didn't get any tips though, like I did on Monday. On Monday I got four dollars in tips. It was amazing! Let's see, what day are we on now? Thursday! I worked at a different volleyball camp with little kids. And then worked in the afternoon, but that was after I went to Valley River to watch my brother Shane's grand opening for his digital advertising thing. Good Job Shane! It was very cool. There was free food. :) Don't worry, I didn't eat it all...:) And today, Friday, I worked at the camp again and I am going to work in less than 2 hours. Yay me. Well, that's my life for now. We'll see what new adventures come my way next week. Until then fellow readers....


Jeanea said...

wow! That was a quick update, very quick! I'm sorry you were left all alone...we definitely need to figure out a time when you can come up here!

February Jill said...

Cute girls get all the tips!