Saturday, July 19, 2008

yay me

So, as of yesterday I am going to Washington tomorrow night and I am going to chill with Jeanea for an entire week! Just us! Well, Joey may hang out a little...anyhoo, I am uber excited! An Entire week with Jeanea!!! This is going to be a good week. I have no idea what I am going to do whilst she is at work, but I am very sure I will find something. I can't wait to see Arianna and Alaina, and Janelle (?) and Pastor Rob. I miss them all. I leave tomorrow evening with Joey right after I get off work. Which reminds me I need to call Joey. So much to do in so little time! I still have to pack and find my camera and I have to figure out this whole car sitiation and blah blah blah. I really need to find my camera so I can blog every night about all the fun I'll have with Jeanea. :) I should get on that right now. Well, after I finish blogging. So, tomorrow I have worship practice in the morning at 8:30, then church and I work at precisely 12 o'clock until 6/7. So I'm gonna have to ask my shift leader if I can get off at 6 instead of 7 so Joey doesn't have to wait all night for me to get off work. So, I'll have to have my clothes for work with me at church and then go straight to Washington after work. But I don't know if Joey is picking me up or if I'm going home first to take a shower (which is much preferable than just going straight to Washington in my work clothes in a stuffy little car...). If I am going home after work then that will give me about half an hour and then I can just leave my bags there and pick them up after work and have Joey pick me up at my house... You know what? Maybe I should figure this all out before I just waste time blogging about it. This blog in its entirety has basically been just me thinking out loud...or whatever. None of you can really "hear" my thoughts...just see them. Which is really weird. :) Oh well, I'm over it. Later!


Glory Laine said...

Have a great time! I hope you and Jeanea have wonderful talks and lots of silly girl time.

Candi said...

Did you find your camera?

Jeanea said...

you're here...right beside me actually, and we're having a mucho bit of sho!

Candi said...

I found your camera in my van.