Monday, December 15, 2008

A Day in the snow...

Well, I take back what I said about my hopes leaving about not going to school on Monday...those negative thoughts were apparently unnecessary. And I'm very glad they were :) We had no school today. Instead I stayed home and read a book, finished White Christmas with my family, cleaned the pool, and slid down Tate Road. It was very fun...and very cold! Dad brought the tractor out and made a chute for our "sled" to go down in. We had gone down it enough times that by the end of the morning we were going super super fast. And it was super super fun! A fun day. Believe it or not though, I wouldn't mind going to school tomorrow. I have a biology test that I studied for this weekend and I kinda wanna take it :) Anyways, I must get going. I hope all of you 3 faithful readers have a safe week!


crystalkupper said...

Dude, some of my best and fondest memories of childhood are everyone coming up to Tate Rd. to sled. It was so much fun, and Mom let me have a snow day even though I was homeschooled. :-) I wish I could have been there. Snow in Mountain Home? Check. Tilted surfaces on which gravity might work? Um...

Jeanea said...

Yay for snow days!!! I'm glad you got to have a day of fun. I bet you got your exercise hiking back up Tate all day :-)