Sunday, December 14, 2008

White Christmas

I woke up yesterday morning, came downstairs, said good morning to my parents AND THEN looked out the window and behold...SNOW! It definitely snowed yesterday. And now looking out my window it's slowly but surely melting away, along with my hope for not having any school on Monday :( But I'll get over that. Anyways, all this talk about snow made me think of only the best Christmas movie ever...White Christmas. Which, by the way, I still have yet to watch. I might just do that this week. We'll see if it makes up for the snow that is melting. Maybe I'll drown my sorrows with candy canes and hot chocolate while watching it.
This picture makes me happy every time I see it because they all just look so cute and happy and warm in their dresses and hats and boots. Very Christmasy :)

I like this one too...don't really know why. I like black and white pictures.

And this is one of my favorite scenes in the movie. I like the colors and sparkles and singing and dancing and their tall hats!
Well, I must get going now. I have some biology and history homework to do...and we're also decorating our Christmas tree tonight! Until then...


crystalkupper said...

Oh, how I love White Christmas! What I wouldn't give to have Vera Ellen's waist and dancing abilities! I'm going to watch it soon, too.

Candi said...

I'd love to dance like they do in the movie too, but let's face it: it just will never happen for me, but I can still have fun dreaming and trying my best! White Christmas is definitely a holiday classic that is a good tradition for our family.

Jeanea said...

I already watched it, nana nana naa naaaa!! hehe It's the best Christmas movie ever! Snow, snow, snow, snowwwww :-)