Sunday, December 7, 2008


In English we are doing some world literature and recently we are digging into some famous philosophers like Plato and Socrates etc. Seneca was a student of Socrates and killed himself because...well...Socrates told him to. He had so much respect and love for his teacher he thought it would be cool to kill himself. So..he did. And I find that very strange. Anyways, here is something that Seneca had written and I want to share it with you lovely people.

There is no such thing as peaceful stillness except
where reason has willed it to rest. Night does not
remove our worries; it brings them to the surface.
All it gives us is a change of anxieties, for even when
people are asleep they have dreams as troubled as their days.
The only serenity is the one which represents the free
development of a sound mind.

Lately I've been having 2 dreams repeatedly and I keep waking up thinking they're so real. I wake up sweating and sometimes in tears because they were so intense. And they don't go away. So I am agreeing with Seneca, this is exactly how I feel. :)


crystalkupper said...

What were the dreams about, if I may ask? I have had repeating dreams before too, and usually they mean I have unresolved feelings about an issue. Prayer often helps. But please, don't pull a Seneca and kill yourself. That's a direct order! :-)

James said...

One is a horrible nightmare. Where lots of people die and a hospital is going insane with crazy people and it's so scary. There's a bunch more detail however...And the other is I keep beating this person that I don't like very much at all. I'm just beating her until she is unconscious. And the thing is, I'm loving every minute of it. Then I wake up and I'm sad I don't get to see how it ends. Isn't that awful?!

Jeanea said...

Such deep thoughts :-) I'm sorry you keep having the dreams...they sound super scary. Maybe you should start drinking a glass of milk before bed, hehe, I've heard that helps. Anyway, don't take tooo much solace in Seneca's thoughts because he was obviously slightly koo-koo :-)