Her real name is Gina Joy Carano. She is 5'8", 140 pounds. Her specialty is Muay Thai Boxing. Her dad played quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys. And she's in the coming up movie "Blood and Bone".
This is Phoenix. She's pretty insane. Her real name is Jennifer Widerstorm. She's 5'6", 155 pounds. She set the record for Hammerthrow at her high school.
Meet Helga...she isn't one of my favorites...but she's pretty.....huge. She's 6 feet tall. And huge!
My all time favorite (Hurricane), I could not find a picture of. He's one of the newest Gladiators. He's a former Olympic Javeline thrower. And really hot. :)
Ummmmm... wow.
there is no charge for awesomeness.....or attractiveness... hehe.
~Po, the panda
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